Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bey-Blade Battle

For our Christmas exchange four of us got Bey -Blades. We played lots of battles. They are very fun.
Ethan T, grade 4

The Gingerbread Lady...a story by Paige, Grade 2

Help me find my Gingerbread Lady! She has runaway! Have you seen my Gingerbread lady? She has a brown body, crinkly legs and arms. She has 8 purple buttons, purple boots, purple mitts and she is wearing a purple and white striped toque. You have to search hard to see her eyes and mouth. Her eyes are very small. Her eyes are sparkly so you will think its the northern star. Her smile is yellow but very bright and shiny. My Gingerbread lady has white stripes on her hat.

An Elf Application

Santa, I would be a good elf for you because I have pointy ears. I would help with the reindeer and feed them carrots. I make good toys.
Markis, grade 1

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Kon'nichiwa from Shelby

I am learning about Japan in social studies. I am learning about the emperors and how Japan was run when they isolated themselves from the rest of the world. It is interesting.
Shelby, grade 7

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

When nature gives you SNOW

    Hi!  My name is Kierra and I am in grade 9. Today in gym we got to go outside and play some games in the snow. It was fun and I hope it snows more.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Food for Fines

The Savanna Municipal library is having a "Food for Fines" which means that if you have a book fine, or not, you can donate a non-perishable food item. Food baskets will be going to a local charity.
Come out and check out the many new books, DVD's  that have arrived in both the Municipal library( which is also in the school library) and the school library.

Alison Wiebe
Savanna Municipal Librarian

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's all a house of cards

This is a card house I made today at lunch.  It was fun.  Will M (grade 9)

Monday, December 9, 2013

A little help from Dad

My dad told me to take a video of him pouring his coffee.

Brycen (grade 6)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Maria (Grade 1) is the "Student of the Week" in her classroom

This week I am star of the week. At home I made a poster. I drew a picture of my family and told my classmates the day of my birthday. I brought pictures to share. My favourite picture was the one where I was sleeping in my bed with my stuffy.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ticker Tape Timers

Mackenzie (Grade 10) Science Experiment – Distance vs. Time
In science class today we did an experiment for the start of our physics unit. What we did was set up Mrs. Sauder’s race track that has very low friction and we attached a ticker tape timer to the awesome red car to measure how fast the car goes while being pushed at a walking speed, on the length of track. To do this we used an acceleration timer (which is fairly loud). After we completed the track, we got to count dots and plot line graphs to determine how fast the car was going.