Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Yesterday the high school students watched a presentation from MADD (mother's against drunk driving). It was very moving because they showed real stories of people that have been affected by impaired drivers. After watching the presentation, I will definitely make sure to think before I drink and drive.
Clintin Underwood, Grade 11

Monday, September 23, 2013

Animated Lane

I am having fun in computer class making a stop action video. It’s about a robber who’s running back and forth like the elk we saw on September 19th. They were all crazy and going in different directions. Then batman comes in and lands on the robber. Next karate kid comes in and kicks him across the screen but goes too far and falls off the screen too. Stay tuned to my next blog with my cartoon in it and the surprise ending.
Lane Fitzsimmons

Friday, September 20, 2013

Yo ho ho, it's a pirates life at Savanna!

This was too cute not to show off today.  Yesterday was "Talk Like a Pirate" day, and staff and students alike really got into it.  Here is a glimpse from the Grade 1 & 2 class.
Grade 1 & 2 Class with Mrs. Ritchie and Miss Ritchie

Reata & Rory

Reata & Rory's story

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Incredible Egg

 We are learning about how things move in and out of cells by osmosis and diffusion.
With this shell-less egg, we are seeing if the solution is going into the egg or out of the egg. When we finished we got to squish the naked egg inside the glove.
Brittany Hutchinson

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

English, Poets & Lidea

Today in English class we watched a movie call “The Dead Poets Society”. It is about a new English teacher who comes to a school and puts a new view on the way of writing. The new teacher (Robin Williams) went to the school when he was younger, he was part of a group that they called the Dead Poets Society. The boys that he is teaching started to re-conduct what the meetings were like when the teacher was in school. I have been hearing kids in my class say that it is lame and boring but I’m finding it kind of interesting.
Lidea Porrill, Grade 9

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Will. I. Am

My name is Will, and I am in grade 9. So far this year, my favourite class is gym because I really enjoy any form of physical activity. My second favourite class is probably math, because it makes sense (most of the time). I haven't really done anything too exciting so far this year, but I am looking forward to learning more and spending time with my friends!
Will Spence

Thursday, September 12, 2013

SM, Grade 6

My first week of school was good. I am excited to be back in school. I really enjoy being with my friends again.


Hi, I'm Maddy

So, I'm Maddy and this is my first time doing a blog for anything. I'll start out with how school has been the first week.   Well, I wasn't expecting as much homework in the first week and I think the work actually made me ill. I'm not kidding. (LOL) Thursday, I was sick with a bad head cold and missed school the next day. Some days you might see me walking down the hallways like a zombie from the lack of sleep and just randomly staring at people and I won't even know I'm looking at them. Then they will be looking at me all creeped out. I'll be that out if it! So besides that, it's been alright, and the teachers are pretty good.  I'm still trying to figure them out and who is going to be my favorite.   As far as getting to know the ones I do not know I still don't know them that well. Does that make sense? Hello!? It's only been a week or so. I am starting to get an idea of what they are like. So far they are a little bit different than us "Bonanza" people. The lunch room, (as people call it here the "fishbowl") is really crowded at lunch and sometimes me and my friends stand because there is not enough tables. So I kinda feel weird about that. That's about all I can think about for how everything went down this week, and how I feel about the whole first week of school.
Maddy Fedorvich

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello from Mrs. Olsen

Well, it's definitely been a fun start already to our new school year. The students are adjusting to calling me Mrs. Olsen and I am adjusting to hearing it. I have seen some colourful new clothing and hairstyles. Our new students are being welcomed and made to feel a part of our school culture. In the intermediate end we have started reviewing our knowledge about Canada, patterning, and good reading habits from last year. We look forward to exploring new ideas this year and sharing it with you through this blog!

Ivy Olsen

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A message from Mr. Orr

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the people who have made me feel comfortable and at home here. I would also like to say that my first day in school was really great. The students and parents that I met today were wonderful. Obviously, the school is a big part of “community” here, and I am feeling privileged and excited to join the staff, school, and community in and around Savanna.
Mr. Orr


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome Back

Welcome back to another school year!  I hope everyone had a great summer and is well rested.  Savanna School wants to welcome staff members Charlene Ritchie to grade 1/2 and William Orr to the high school. Also, a big welcome to all of the new students who are here this year from Bonanza.  Have a great year.  Our new blog is a very exciting adventure.  To start off a big thank you to Tina Sauder and Chris Young for getting us going.  Everyday someone new will be blogging about a great experience here at the school.  The school staff are ready for another year and are planning lots of great activities for you to do!  We are focusing on school fundraising this year and have many fun events planned.

"What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it." author unknown

Paula Taylor

Principal Savanna School

Monday, September 2, 2013

An Explanation of Our Blog

I have been considering the idea of a school-wide blog ever since reading George Couros' post called "200 Days of School" ( a couple of years ago.  He had the idea that he would post a photo every day of school for the whole year.  I thought it would be neat if we at Savanna School worked together to post something each day that represented the various perspectives of every single person in the school: students, teachers, educational assistants, admin assistants, custodians , parent council (?)- even bus drivers!  The idea would be to showcase some of the great things we do at school everyday.  These posts would be everything from photos, to school work, to group activities, a quick note, to just about anything.
In order to protect the privacy of  our contributors, only students who have signed permission forms will be named or published in photographs, but everyone will still be encouraged to participate.  It is perfectly OK for parents not sign the form, written work will be published without identifying who the author is (hopefully your child will still let you know what day they were on the schedule to be published and you can check it out here!).
I hope you enjoy what is to come from this idea.  I'm excited to see how this turns out!

Mrs. Tina Sauder