Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hi, I'm Maddy

So, I'm Maddy and this is my first time doing a blog for anything. I'll start out with how school has been the first week.   Well, I wasn't expecting as much homework in the first week and I think the work actually made me ill. I'm not kidding. (LOL) Thursday, I was sick with a bad head cold and missed school the next day. Some days you might see me walking down the hallways like a zombie from the lack of sleep and just randomly staring at people and I won't even know I'm looking at them. Then they will be looking at me all creeped out. I'll be that out if it! So besides that, it's been alright, and the teachers are pretty good.  I'm still trying to figure them out and who is going to be my favorite.   As far as getting to know the ones I do not know I still don't know them that well. Does that make sense? Hello!? It's only been a week or so. I am starting to get an idea of what they are like. So far they are a little bit different than us "Bonanza" people. The lunch room, (as people call it here the "fishbowl") is really crowded at lunch and sometimes me and my friends stand because there is not enough tables. So I kinda feel weird about that. That's about all I can think about for how everything went down this week, and how I feel about the whole first week of school.
Maddy Fedorvich

1 comment:

  1. It seems you and your friends fit right in to our school here at Savanna. I really enjoy having you in class and liked it when you joined me for lunch outside last week. If there are not enough tables in the fishbowl, just join a table. The students are very friendly.
