Friday, February 28, 2014

A Bear Spotted on Outdoor Education Hike - Emma (grade 10)

In Outdoor Education, grades ten to twelve had a close encounter with a bear. She scared everybody, there was screaming and yelling. The bear is me, by the way! (just so nobody is actually afraid of bears coming and attacking our Outdoor Ed. class.)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's happening in Social Studies - Ethan W (grade 3)

We have been learning about the First Nations people of Alberta in Social Studies. This is a picture I made of a teepee and some of the things you would have found inside.

Mr. Orr's Small Engine Repair class

The students are working on the Small Engine course: theory and hands on experiences delivered by PWSD in trailers. So far, they seem to be having fun!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Savanna Olympics - A Wrap-Up

Thanks to Miss Morton and our Student Council members, we were able to participate in our own version of the Olympic Winter Games.  The entire school was divided into teams to represent Canada, USA, Germany, China, Jamaica and Sweden. This whole-school competition included events in:

  • Snow-shoeing
  • Snow obstacles
  • Figure skating
  • Speed skating
  • Hockey
Team Jamaica was declared the winner of these Olympic games.  It was a great way to spend an afternoon, celebrating winter and cheering one another on.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A visit to Miss Morton's room.

I love being a high school English teacher, as no two days are exactly the same. The following are some examples of the fun times that have occured in my class:

During "Free Read Fridays", I allow the students to sit wherever they would be most comfortable. Some of my students take it quite literally...

I encourage the students to stay hydrated during my classes, as reading literature can be quite the mental exertion.

In an effort to make Shakespeare "come alive", I have the students act several of the parts. The following is an image of the lovely Juliet being wooed by her Romeo during the famous balcony scene, well as an image of the students wearing their masks for a Shakespearian masquerade

Students often need a reminder to get back on track, so I make sure to surround them, literally, with posters that encourage a more productive attitude 

Finally, none of my days would be complete without a visit from Mr. Young. He always has something interesting to show or tell me. In this image, he is demonstrating his "golf look".

I hope you have enjoyed taking a look into my unique classroom! :)