Thursday, February 13, 2014

A visit to Miss Morton's room.

I love being a high school English teacher, as no two days are exactly the same. The following are some examples of the fun times that have occured in my class:

During "Free Read Fridays", I allow the students to sit wherever they would be most comfortable. Some of my students take it quite literally...

I encourage the students to stay hydrated during my classes, as reading literature can be quite the mental exertion.

In an effort to make Shakespeare "come alive", I have the students act several of the parts. The following is an image of the lovely Juliet being wooed by her Romeo during the famous balcony scene, well as an image of the students wearing their masks for a Shakespearian masquerade

Students often need a reminder to get back on track, so I make sure to surround them, literally, with posters that encourage a more productive attitude 

Finally, none of my days would be complete without a visit from Mr. Young. He always has something interesting to show or tell me. In this image, he is demonstrating his "golf look".

I hope you have enjoyed taking a look into my unique classroom! :)


  1. I loved the Shakespear that we read in English..We used to take on a character or would take turns reading out loud ....that was very long ago, in Mrs Fimrite's Class.

  2. That sounds like fun, Ms Morton!
    Mallalea, I remember those Mrs Fimrite days, too :)

  3. Miss Morton, your class reflects you well.
