Monday, May 12, 2014

A busy 4, 5, 6 class

Dearest blogger community!

Life this year has gotten very interesting. The 4,5,6 class is busy working on art projects and musical numbers for the Spring Concert. We have a record number of nine volunteers for options at the end of May / beginning of June. Soon we will be asking for helpers for the Track and Field Meet! Whew! Lots of fun going on here. 

The students and I have been researching baby growth and development as my baby belly becomes more prominent! Of course, some are more interested than other. Hee hee.

Wish the grade sixes luck and confidence as the Provincial Achievement Tests approach.

Mrs Olsen

1 comment:

  1. The 4,5,6 room is always busy!! I enjoy going into that room and seeing what groovy things they are working on. A very busy room.
