Monday, October 7, 2013

Milestones and Passages by Mrs. Leiske

It seems like our school year is off to a great start. There is a lot of enthusiasm and great new ideas throughout the school.  Pirate day, pizza day, cake walk, school blog, Terry Fox run all have been great fun and very well supported by our school community.
My favorite part of the week is buddy reading.  This year the Grade Threes and Kindergarten class are paired up.  We incorporate Daily 5 into this time. Kindergarten students read to their big buddy and study their letters.   Grade Three students read to their Kindergarten buddy.  We also include some file folder work.  I joined a pair of boys struggling with opposites.  I was trying to model to the grade three student how to prompt the Kindergarten student to get the correct answer and I said to the student, "If you're not old you're..."  Of course he answered "Happy!"... Can't argue with that!

It was with a very heavy heart that we learned the news of Gail Benson's passing on September 27th. I wish I could have said goodbye, but the key lies therein.  Gail wasn't planning to leave.  She was planning to get well and be back at school with the children she loved.  After thirty years of serving our school and community she will be immensely missed.  I miss Gail so much already, her generosity, observations, knowledge, humor, advice, and encouragement are irreplaceable.  I will keep looking for your little red car and your blue coffee mug.  Missing you dearly…

Mrs. B and Edna Rehaume at one of the many annual visits to Mrs. Rehaume's Christmas Village.
Every year I love my group of little people and this year is no different, however, it is a bit difficult to get a group picture!

Pirate Day!
Ok,so here we, are only four staff birthdays into the school year and check out the caliber of cake! Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Young for your thoughtfulness! Yikes, I didn't sign up for a birthday until June...


  1. Thank you for the great words! Gail will be sadly missed - it is great that you included a tribute to her. She loved her job! Keep working with those darlings in memory of her :)

  2. That is a great tribute to Gail. Thank you Nadine for adding her in to your blog today.

  3. My mom was so blessed to have worked with you all and the children. Keep her in your hearts and she will continue this year and many more with you.
