Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Leah, Ethan T & Reata's thoughts about "A Celebration of the Arts"

At the spring concert I did a tap dance to the song cups. It was fun! I felt very creative. I am going to keep tap dancing until grade 12.

Ethan T
I was the narrator in the readers theatre play of "I have to go" by Robert Munsch. When I was up there I felt nervous. Even though I was nervous I still liked doing it. It was really funny.

I was the mom in "Stephanie's Ponytail". I was scared that I would mess up but I didn't. I liked being in the play it was fun.

1 comment:

  1. You all were amazing in our Celebration of the Arts!! I look forward to more dancing, and plays and singing and drumming and fiddling and rocking out with the BAND!!!
