Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Miss Taylor is keeping us up-to-date and saying thanks

This school year has been so busy with our volleyball teams, our student council events and welcoming new staff and students, that it is hard to believe it is already the middle of November.
Winter is here so please make sure the kids are dressed properly for the weather.  Christmas break is coming up, as is our Concert on December 18th.
We are still fundraising to help with busing costs with bake sales, gift card sales, cookie dough and a cake walk on November 27th.  The grade 7-8 class is off to Edmonton in the spring.  They are busy fundraising and if you would like to make a donation to the group please contact me here.  We will be holding a silent auction at the concert in December and are looking for donations.  Please drop off at the school.

Thank you to the staff for an amazing start to the year, to Saddle Hills county for the support and to all the parents and guardians of our students. Savanna school is very fortunate to have such a supportive community.

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