Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hola from Puerto Vallarta


They say that you should walk a mile in another man's shoes to understand and respect him. Now, I could add, or "ride a few miles in another man's bus." Mrs. Anderson and I have been enjoying a few days in Mexico, and have been riding the buses in Puerto Vallarta quite a lot. I've  grown to admire and respect the drivers' skills in navigating the narrow streets around tight corners, and often only inches away from other vehicles.
I admit it made me quite nervous the first few trips, but I'm growing to trust the Mexican drivers more and more. I also think about how the parents and students of Savanna School put their trust in their school bus drivers. I hope that we will always live up to that trust.

See you soon, 
Mr. Anderson

1 comment:

  1. Have no worries Mr.Anderson. You and the whole gang of bus drivers do a great job everyday. Think of how the Mexican Drivers would do when faced with a moose on the road!
    Have a great trip.
