Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Junior High Girls Win Sexsmith Tournament

The Junior Girls Volleyball team travelled to Sexsmith to participate in the annual Sexsmith Sabres Smash tournament.  This was the last tournament for the year for the team.  They played outstanding volleyball and teamwork which led to the Savanna team as Champions!  The team was coached by parent volunteer Brandy Desmet and captained by Kelsey Dolen.  Kelsey was also named tournament MVP for her team at the end of the tournament.  The players showed true determination to play their best the whole time.  They lost 1 set  and rallied back to beat GP Vanier.  In the final match they played St.Pat’s from GP.  This was the first time the Savanna team won this tournament.  It was very exciting volleyball to watch the  girls improve with each game and every player brought something to the team. There was great net play and strong serving as well as good coverage on the court and communication throughout the whole team.
Congratulations girls and well done Coach!

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